Specijalizovana agencija za MICE grupe, DT Croatia, osnovanaje pre pune dve decenije i ove godine obeležava svoj jubilej poslovanja.

Kako navode, na početku, bilo je teško parirati postojećim tour operaterima koji su imali jake odele u MICE sektoru, ali su zahvaljujući svojoj kreativnosti ubrzo postali agencija koja postavlja standarde. Na temu izazova i poslovanja u proteklih 20 godina, razgovarali smo sa Danielom Marušićem, generalnim menadžerom DT Croatia.
Šta su se pokazali kao najveći izazovi u poslovanju dugom 20 godina?
DT Croatia je osnovana, 1998. godine. Nakon 2000-te godine DT se sve više okreće MICE poslovanju i nakon kraćeg vremena se specijalizira za MICE i ekskluzivne grupe. Ubrzo je DT prepoznao nedostatke lokalne i regionalne konkurencije, te se posvetio usavršavanju ponude svojih usluga, ali i usluga svojih partnera: lokalnih dobavljača, hotela, restorana, vodiča, transportera i ostalih. Upravo je to bio najveći izazov. Rasli smo zajedno sa svojim partnerima i uspeli da postavimo standarde MICE poslovanja. U planu su novi projekti koji će
zahtijevati drugačiji pristup u našem poslovanju. Radi se o proizvodu koji će nam koristiti i osigurati prednost u ovoj industriji.
Koliko uspešnih događaja ste za sve ovo vreme organizovali i realizovali?
Mogu slobodno reći preko 1.000 incentive grupa i kongresa, ne uzimajući u obzir grupe koje nemaju MICE element, a i njih je bilo preko 1.000. Najveće grupe su bile one koje su bile u vezi sa auto industrijom – za serijale od 12.500 ljudi.
Na šta ste posebno ponosni u 20 godina rada?
Najviše na naše sve DT team-ove koji su izneli zahtevne poslove poštujući DT standarde poslovanja, tj. blagi konzervativni pristup u nekim dijelovima poslova, a opet jako inovativan kreativan i ljudski pristup u segmentima kad se to najviše cijeni. DT poslovanje je kao na maratonima – nije bitno biti brz, eksplozivan i jak, već je potrebno održati kvalitet na duže staze.
Po čemu se razlikujete od ostalih u industriji u okviru koje poslujete i čemu posvećujete posebnu pažnju?
Brojne nagrade, regionalne i međunarodne, dokaz su truda naših djelatnika i pravilnog pristupa MICE standardima, čemu posvećujemo veliku pažnju. Suradnje s partnerima njegujemo na jednostavan način – veoma dobro poznajemo tehnologiju ovog posla.
Upravo zbog tog pristupa su nam poverenje ukazale vodeće evropske MICE agencije koje organiziraju putovanja za svoje klijente u Hrvatsku ili Sloveniju. Za njih je DT pozitivan primjer onoga što oni očekuju od jednog lokalnog DMC-a.
A šta neki od klijenata DT Croatia-e misle o saradnji, pročitajte ispod:
08-13.05.2016, CIRCLE8 EVENT
Circle8 Event team
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
this is to certify that DT Croatia supported us and our client with the onsite planning for a 150-people-event in May 2016 (4-day-event). DT Croatia supported us in the organization of the bus shuttle services as well as decoration and dinner entertainment and did a marvelous job! We are very satisfied with the exceptionally friendly service and the always smiling crew of DT Croatia who made all last minute changes feasible. We have very much enjoyed working with you and the team and are looking forward to potential future projects together!
18-22.05.2016, ONE TOUCH TRAVEL
Lena Ekstedt, One Touch Travel AB
In May 2016 we used the services of DT Croatia for a group who went sailing from Split.We were very satisfied with everything from start to finish. From the first offer and until it all took place. There were no surprises in terms of extra costs not presented from the beginning, everything summed up exactly as from the initial offer.
All questions that we might have had initially were answered asap so there was no delay for us in our communication with our client. The group was very excited about the ship, the captain, the nature and of course also the weather… We will most definitely use the services of DT Croatia whenever we have a request for Croatia in the future.
02-05.06.2016, TEAM SEEFRIED
Renate Ochwat, Senior Project manager
Dear Marina,
I am very sorry to have not sent our feedback to our group in June earlier. We would like to thank you again for the very good cooperation. We appreciate your quick and honest interaction – so in case we need an urgent information there always has been a quick reply by your side.
We also are very grateful that there are always two project manager involved which is unfortunately not standard at DMCs but we think it is necessary as project managers are often on site inspections or events and the client is not willing to wait for his or her return. For us it therefore makes the cooperation much more easier and it gives the client and us the feeling that you take the event serious and handle it professionally.
It was very nice working with you on site! Even in case of problems you interacted very professionally and looked for a good solution to solve them as quick as possible. As said before your honest way was very much appreciated as we should work together in a team and try to find solutions and ideas together and if there are problems it is best to talk about them and not to conceal them. We are all human and things happen! It is the way how to handle them that makes a DMC professional or not.
All the participants enjoyed the trip to Dubrovnik very much. You offered wonderful locations and a diversified program – it was a real Incentive trip with a lot of highlights. Thank you! We also appreciated that there is always somebody of your office to check f.e. the departure of the busses in time – this proofs the professionalism of DT Croatia as well! So thank you very much and I am looking forward to work with you again hopefully in near future!
Jen van Litsenborgh, Team Leader
Impact Incentives & Events (Pty) Ltd is a South African based company and we are an industry leader at the forefront of incentive travel and event management. We tailor make incentive programmes for our corporate clients and only align ourselves with the best Destination Management Companies around the globe.
We have been working closely with DT Croatia (Dubrovnik Travel) in Dubrovnik for the past year as they are our DMC of choice in Croatia. We took a group of 20 guests to Dubrovnik in July 2016 and enjoyed a very successful incentive programme, which was well planned and executed flawlessly by the DT Croatia (Dubrovnik Travel) staff. In fact, it was such a success that we have confirmed another group of 130 guests to the same destination in April 2017.
DT Croatia (Dubrovnik Travel) is a professional and reliable company, with a wealth of knowledge regarding the incentive industry within Croatia. I would highly recommend their services to any clients looking for a one-stop management company in Croatia.
Catherine Entzminger, Secretary General
Dear Marina, Dear Zrinka,
The European Cocoa Forum has come to an end and we are now back to our daily ECA business. On behalf of the Board and Secretariat of the European Cocoa Association we hereby wish to send you our most sincere and heartfelt thanks for all the hard work you put in those two days of the event, as well as the weeks before it. Part of the success is also thanks to you, your dedication, and your pleasant and positive attitude. We really appreciate our collaboration and look forward to working with you again in the future.
09-11.09.2016 & 23-25.09.2016 CIC CONGRESS INCENTIVES
Mireia Rosell Senior Event Manager
Dear DT Croatia,
Thanks you very much for your collaboration with our two groups of 150 and 250 guests last September 2016 in Split. You managed to deliver a very good service during both events. DT Croatia have shown professionality and effectivity before and during the events.
DT Croatia is flexible when changes are needed and always manage to fix what we ask for even at the last minute. You are very service minded and know well all the suppliers what makes easier to get what you need at any time. We are demanding but there is seldom a no from you, more a yes we will try and most of times managed to get what we asked for.
18-21.05.2017, BANKS SADLER UK
“…I am pleased to advise that the programme was a great success and feedback has been outstanding. The VIP host for the event mentioned Elizabeta and team in his closing speech for the event and this is something they should be really proud of as he does not give out compliments unless truly deserved. Elizabeta was so very accommodating, this programme has typically been a very low-key incentive and this year changed for us as we saw the client moving towards more high level activities, gifts etc. So the support from Elizabeta was greatly appreciated. All delegate feedback has been outstanding and I really cannot express my thanks enough…”