MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions)


Sastanci, Incentive, Konferencije i Izložbe. Akronim MICE pod slovom “E” se ponekad odnosi na Events – događaje, a pod slovom “C” na Conventions – konvencije. MICE je praktično sinonim za kongresni turizam – odnosi se na određen tip turizma u kojem grupe ljudi, što je obično unapred dobro isplanirano, su dovedene zajedno zbog neke određene svrhe. U skorije vreme, postoji trend za korišćenje termina “Kongresna industrija” (“Meetings Industry”) da bi se izbegle konfuzije zbog akronima. MICE turizam je poznat po obimnom planiranju i po zahtevnoj klijenteli.

Prethodni tekstRegion kongresne industrije na jednom mestu – SEEbtm party
Sledeći tekstMPI (Meeting Professionals International)
Miona Milic
Near 10 years in events industry, as a project manager, content developer, offline and internet marketing campaigns, event manager for SEEbtm party, Editor-in-Chief of SEEbtm magazine… Professionalism, constant learning and personal, such as business upgrading, finds essential for success. Creativity in all fields is very important to her. Love to be physically active, travel, meet people and have a good time. But, beside everything, the greatest accomplishment and most important thing for her is being a MOM.