Workshop for moderators, now in the region of Southeast Europe

Mastering Moderation Workshop


Jan-Jaap In der MaurA workshop named Mastering Moderation, designed for conference moderators, was highly rated by attendees in Holand. For that reason, respected professionals Kim Coppes and Jan-Jaap Inder Maur, have decided to pass on their knowledge to the European market.

Jan-Jaap In der Maur considers that it is not always necessary to hire a professional moderator, but to train some employees in these skills.

Kim Coppes points out that a great number of employees are closely engaged in moderating, so that there is a need for improvement of knowledge and techniques, which would be the main objective of these workshops.

Mastering ModerationThe workshop is designed for only 12 participants with 2 trainers, so every attendee would have as many attentions as needed for all discussion sand questions. Ms Coppes and Mr In der Maur point out that the best way to become successful moderator is to practice, and that they are available for all questions of attendees after the training.

The workshop covers all required skills skills such as moderating, debating, presenting, chairing, interviewing and stage presence. Ms Coppes and Mr In der Maur emphasize that from their experience every professional often needs to moderate, so these skills are absolute must have in everyday business communication.

Many professionals have some experience in moderating but need to improve their practice and embrace advanced skills and techniques.

Mastering Moderation will take place on 23rd and 24th October 2014 in Belgrade.                      For more information visit MODERATORS-WORKSHOP                       or via e-mail:


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