TourSib – 20th Siberian International Travel & Tourism Exhibition, Russia


SIBFAIRTourSib (held 15 – 17 april 2010)is a long-running exhibition that caters for the Siberian travel market. Siberia is Russia’s largest region and travel routes to and from the region has been improving significantly over the last few years.  TourSib offers forward-looking companies the opportunity to make their mark on the region’s tourism industry and ensure their destination attracts the attention of Siberia’s traveling population. TourSib 2009 Facts & Figures: Number of Exhibitors: 240, Represented countries: 15, Number of visitors: 3700, Destinations: Russian Federation, Greece, Egypt, Vietnam, Italy, Mongolia, Tunisia, Thailand, Turkey, Kazakhstan, China, Kirghizia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland. Novosibirsk is the administrative centre of the Siberian region and the capital of Western Siberia. The region serves as a major transport hub and the biggest industrial, cultural and scientific centre in Eastern Russia.


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