The 59th IADS & YDW Annual World Dental Congress, Romania 2012


Date: 17th – 26th August 2012

Venue: Mamaia-Bucharest-Bucovina, Romania


Brief description:

From 17th – 26th August 2012,  the IADS & YDW 59th Annual Meeting will take place in Romania, Mamaia-Bucharest-Bucovina.

Pre-Congress will be held in Mamaia in August 17th to 19th; Congress will be held in Bucharest, from August 19th to 24th, and Post-Congress will be held in Bucovina, from August 24th to 26th, 2012.

The dental students would be able to participate within the following activities during the IADS Annual Meeting: IADS General Assembly, Lectures, Training Sessions and a diverse social program. The General Assembly is formed of Delegates of the IADS Country and University members who proudly serve the interests of the dental student communities they represent. The Delegates have the right to vote over the development policies and decisions proposed. During the General Assembly there are discussed and adopted matters concerning the internal and external affairs, new memberships, status of the IADS international projects and meetings of the IADS Standing Committees are held.

The Agenda of the General Assembly will be available 1 month prior to the Annual Meeting. Deadline for abstract submission is July 15th, 2012.


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