Team building programmes

Pass a message

[quote_right]This is often done with games, which can be games of establishing trust, of developing team spirit, of increasing adrenaline, and many other open air games, but they can also be indoor games like pool activities, wellness activities, evening activities…[/quote_right]

These games (team building programmes) lead to enhancing communication, defining common characteristics and improving team relations, and here are some suggestions from the simplest to some more complex examples for corporate socializing and getting to know each other, divided into outdoor activities (in green) and indoor activities (in orange), with indispensable opening game “To Be Or Knot To Be”   

To Be Or Knot To Be

A circle, of maximum 10-12 people, is formed in a way that the participants stand side by side turned towards each other.

Fill the bottleEverybody should take the right hand of the person next to them by his/her right hand. Then they should do the same with the left hand – take the left hand of another person next to them.

Participants should not hold the same person with both hands! To add to the fun, the participants should introduce themselves holding each others’ hands in such manner.

Hands should not be let go in any moment, and if someone wishes to make agreements regarding the position or the best solution for splitting with another person from the group, they should use the name of that person!

This game is excellent for learning names, which also helps the group work together, cooperate and find common solution, as their communication is more successful when the names are used.

Mixed reactions are usual for this game, often including nervous laugh, fun, excitement, anxiousness, strong doubt about whether something can be done at all and alike.

The end goal of the task is to untie the knot, without splitting hands, in one large circle, and the only thing allowed is mutual communication and cooperation among the participants in order to achieve the main goal.

HumanfootballOut in the Sun – Fill the Bottle

 The game called “Fill the Bottle” is both exciting and refreshing. Teams are divided into groups to play this game.

A container filled with water is located at a distance parallel to an empty bottle. Each team has to fill the empty bottle, passing water from one to another with the palms of their hands without any tools.

The team that fills first or the maximum wins. It really is a great way to enhance team bonding and team building.

Human Table Football

Human Table Football is one of the most exciting competitive games and the latest team building craze.

It is a giant inflatable version of the old classic Table Football. The pitch is surrounded by inflatable wall, with goal at each end.

Players are the harnessed to the bars running across the pitch, whilst the goalies are attached to bungee ropes.

Italian jobEach team has to score as many goals and concede as few as possible into allotted time. Just like real football.

The referee is in control of the game at all times, i.e. sending off for foul play and showing of red and yellow cards.

“The Italian Job”

Movie “The Italian Job”, as a theme, is frequently described by participants as the best team building event that they have ever experienced.

Each team has a Mini and follows a well acted out script that twists and turns over the course of the day and ends with a dramatic final scene featuring pyrotechnics in which teams blow the doors off a white van to get at the gold.

Teams meet in a hotel or suitable venue for the introductory scene which leads them into their epic adventure.

Then they reach for their Minis and follow clues and map points around the location. Each team is given a briefcase containing vital equipment that will help them with their challenges.

Tomb raiderThis team building is characterized by incredible level of adrenaline, competitive and team spirit. Fast drive through well marked paths, but in completely preserved nature, through the enchanting landscape, with gold bars as a main goal, inevitably represents an unforgettable experience.

Tomb Raider Video game

 This team building activity include weapons training, advanced driver training and themed mental and physical challenges.

The event hosts at the legendary Croft Manor in Surrey, England and Lara Croft herself made an appearance.

The participants have an opportunity to discover the 1,000-year history of the Croft family, walk through miles of beautiful, tranquil woodland trails and glades and be guests in the 18th-century Saloon.

Also, “Tomb Raider” team building aims to present real scenes from video game by training participants. Task includes archery, as a very popular country sports activity, than throwing authentic knives from the video game and Pulse Ranger as an exciting outdoor laser combat game.

Pass a messagePass a Message

The team members stand in one line, the coordinator will whisper a long message to the first member in a team.

Without writing and recording the message, the member will whisper to the next person, continuous pass the message to the last person.

The last person speaks out the whole message.

The group that more accurately say the message from the start, wins!

Back To Back Drawing

While playing this game, the two members sit with their back to each other.Back drawing

One of them verbally communicates the instructions on how to draw and the other one draws the shape.

This exercise requires communicating and interpreting and the role of both the players is equally important.

The success of the game depends on how well they do their parts.

Team painters

 Each team works on an individual canvas, all of which ultimately combine to form one mosaic work of art. Thus everyone contributes to one shared goal.

There can be almost any number of canvasses, so large groups can take part in this activity.

The group is divided into equal teams. Each team works on a single section of a painting and has no idea what the other teams are doing.

Each team believes the objective of the event is to produce the best drawing of that single section but they are, in fact, working in unison rather than competition. The end result produces a giant artwork in which each section has a unique style.Team paint

This is a very engaging challenge which promotes cohesion in both a fun and work relevant format.

Because the end product is a result of effective communication.

The power of teamwork is illustrated.

The end result is always impressive with participants surprised by what they have managed to achieve, so the event ends on a motivating high.

Murder Mystery

Team of a few professional actors come to a venue with costumes and props and enact a murder chosen from available scripts.

Murder Mystery Dinner Party begins early evening with a drinks reception where team become familiar with the characters and receives packs with clues.Murder mystery

Next it’s through to a three course silver service dinner as the plot unfolds.

The actors perform comedic and clue packed scenes in between courses and table hop dropping clues, giving team the chance to question them. Word-games and quizzes are introduced, which may reveal clues to the culprit.

At dessert time it’s time for team to figure out who done it.



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