In early 2014, SEEbtm magazine researched tendencies in organizing corporate events, their frequency, their significance to companies and the very event form.

The research was done among companies in different sectors (banks and insurance companies, car dealers, IT companies, finance, ministries…) in the SEE region.

All companies that took part in the research organize corporate events. The major share (36%) organizes some kind of corporate events 1-2 times per year.

29% of companies organize events 5-10 times per year, with almost the same share – 25% of companies – doing it often, 1-3 times per month.

The smallest number of respondents – 10% of companies – organizes corporate events very often, some 100 per year.

Corporate events are mostly organized in the country of a company’s seat or representative office – more precisely 75% of companies do so. In the countries in our region, 15% of respondents organize events, while 10% of respondents organize events in various European countries.

The fundamental reasons for organizing corporate events as stated by companies in the SEE region are:

  • Product or service promotion (35%)
  • Establishing stronger relationships with customers and employees (23%)
  • Animating potential customers and the influential sector (19%)
  • Creating a positive company image (15%)
  • Other (8%)

The target group present at these events includes clients and potential clients in the first place, as well as employees and potential workforce.

Nearly 20% of participants at corporate events are influential sector for the company concerned, in terms of the representatives of government institutions, NGOs, media.

Some 10% of people attending corporate events in the SEE region are investors, mediators and suppliers.

  • Active and potential customers/service users/clients (38%)
  • Employees and potential employees (34%)
  • Influential sector (government institutions, NGOs, media) (19%)
  • Existing and potential investors, suppliers, intermediaries, agents (9%)

Corporate events organized by companies in the SEE region are normally delivered as gala dinners and celebrations (35%).

A high share (25%) also goes to the events where guests take part in some activities (carting, archery, bowling, hot air balloon ride, helicopter ride, etc.).

A quarter also belongs to various events such as business case studies, business presentations, education, etc. 10% of corporate events include travels: to fairs and congresses, field trips, weekend breaks.

Corporate events in the form of attendance at major sports events, concerts, and performances account for 5%.

Speaking of the 2014 prognosis, when it comes to the frequency and budget for corporate events in the SEE region, 90% of respondents expect that the number of corporate events as well as their budget will stay the same.

The remaining 10% of them expect for the number of events to increase, and the budget for corporate events organized by their company to decrease.



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