One of the companies with a positive experience in using the www.kongresniturizam.com is Representative Office of Berlin Chemie AG, Belgrade, and Mrs. Dragana Hakimi kindly told us about her company’s impressions.
1. How much cooperation with the www.kongresniturizam.com make event organizing easier for you?
Everything is much easier since we’ve gotten in contact with the www.kongresniturizam.com and their professional and gracious team in Belgrade. In terms of concept and time, especially, but also in terms of operative efficiency because with their help we are able to respond to our company’s demands much faster.
2. What form does this cooperation take?
We begin the organization of any event, whether we are talking about our periodic team meetings or pharmaceutical congresses and seminars, by requesting three comparative offers from competent agencies. In case when we need hotel accommodation for guests, the procedure is the same – three offers from comparable hotels. That means making dozens of phone calls and sending a lot of e-mails, and it takes at least seven days to complete the entire process but with the help of this precious business ally we get everything “readily served” within a very short time. Kongresniturizam.com, headed by Ivan, gets all the preliminary activities done and all I have to do is wait for the offers to come to me with a ready proposal of the best bidder and, of course, the best price. None the less important is their recommendation that we are working with a serious and solvent partner, an agency that will manage and resolve any unforeseen circumstances, especially when we are planning events abroad.
3. What is the main reason to recognize www.kongresniturizam.com as your partner in organizing events and business travels?
Their professional approach and their regard for good, sound business practices, together with their care and consideration for every potential business partner on the one hand, and the fact that they are well-informed and recognize the need for modern business trends, coupled with their regard for our company as a client, on the other hand.
4. Based on your broad experience, what would be your advice in terms of facilitating event organization and selecting the right venues and agencies?
Frankly, it’s very difficult today to define any norms in this area and it’s even more difficult to find a partner that can readily respond at any moment. Every meeting is specific in some segment and is unique in terms of the aims it is meant to achieve. I often rely on intuition, I try to determine how interested the other party is and how ready to fulfill our expectations. I think the most important aspect of true and successful cooperation is mutual recognition between the partners, well-defined demands, mutual regard and their joint readiness to make the best effort. If people focus on a given task and dedicate enough of their attention to it, there is no reason not to expect good results.
The kongresniturizam.com and their way of doing business is something I would warmly recommend to anyone involved in event organization and anyone faced with any dilemmas and wishing to organize “something for someone”. As informed and experienced as you may be at this sort of thing, it’s easier and less risky when someone else is looking for the best solutions together with you, especially solutions no one else has yet come up with. Lastly, through team work we draw people into becoming part of a big family of the selected who, with their range of services, will give the finishing touch to your best projects.