ProCredit Bank event 01Their experience in organizing numerous events, representatives of ProCredit Bank shared with us for this issue of SEEbtm magazine.

1. After organizing an event, what usually contributes to be satisfied with an organization and to consider that an event has been a success?

Based on our experiences so far, we could say that there are several vital requirements that have to be met for an event or gathering to be successful. First of all there is the need to carry out to the fullest the agreement made with the hotel providing the participants with accommodation and other services, such as the use of conference halls, computers, the Internet, etc. Another important aspect is quality of service (consistency in room standard, so we don’t have situations where, for instance, some guests get rooms with air conditioning while others do not), as well as flexibility and willingness to respond promptly to specific, unforeseen, or additional requests.

Constant communication and readiness to come to an agreement are also vital to organizing a successful event. That’s why it’s important to have a contact person, a hotel representative available for consultations, arrangements, and making changes during the participants’ stay.

2. Do you do surveys of participants’ impressions about events you organize and do you use the results to rate the success level of an event?

Enquiring about client satisfaction and open dialogue about all the aspects of our events are essential parts of our activities. The reason for this is clear and simple. It’s thanks to conversations like these that we have the chance to gather and sum up our client’s impressions and draw reliable conclusions about what we have achieved, how we have achieved it, and what improvements or changes we should make next time.

3. When choosing the location and hotel, how important is the ProCredit Bank event 02recommendation of a satisfied partner or client for you to choose that particular venue?

Prior experiences of our clients or partners and their suggestions and recommendations are extremely important factors in our choice of venue for a certain event or gathering. That’s why we always try to get as many opinions of that type as we can.

4. What are some of the most frequent hotel shortcomings that can discourage you from using their services?

The disadvantages we most frequently experience in regard to hotels are insufficient accommodation capacity, inconsistent standards of accommodation, and inferior catering services in restaurants.

5. After finishing an event, what makes a lasting impression on you in terms of hotel service?

That is a courteous and obliging staff, always ready to react with speed and efficiency to any request on our part.

ProCredit Bank event 036. Can you give us an example of a well-organized event and one that you feel particularly satisfied about?

Each year, ProCredit Bank organizes a great many different events and gatherings. Most of these events are organized for the benefit of our clients and are either of an educational or promotional nature. Some of the most successful events of that type that we have organized are certainly educational seminars for clients, which we have held not only in Belgrade but also in Novi Sad, Niš, Kragujevac and Subotica as well as the traditional awarding of our prizes to best small and medium companies and entrepreneurs, ProBusiness Leader, and to leaders in the sphere of agricultural, ProAgro Leader.

Another event that we take very seriously is the organization of the sports weekend for our employees every year. This is an opportunity for about 800 of our bank’s employees to compete in sports but also to get to know each other better, which always makes for a better working atmosphere. The location for this event changes every year, last year we organized a sports weekend on Mt. Kopaonik, and this year in Portoroz in Slovenia.

The aspects of organization that left the best impression on us were the overall quality of service, exceptional flexibility, and willingness to meet all our requirements.



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