Prezident Hotels from Novi Sad the best national hotel chain in region

Awards for BW Prezident hotels
Awards for BW Prezident hotels

At the beginning of October 2015, at congress center of the Novi Sad Fair was held award ceremony for tourism and hospitality.

At this occasion were given the highest awards for the quality of tourist facilities and services in Serbia and the region. Champion cup of the Novi Sad Fair for the best chain in the region was given to the Prezident Hotels which owns Best Western Prezident Hotel ***** (Novi Sad), Premier Prezident Hotel ***** (Sremski Karlovci) and Vila Prezident **** (Sremski Karlovci).

Great gold medal for high quality of services received all of the hotels individually and thus justify the long-term business and leadership position in the region.

At the ceremony on behalf of President Hotels the award received Ms. Ivona Borojevic (General Manager), and the award was given by the Director of the Novi Sad Fair, Mr. Slobodan Cvetkovic.

Prezident company has once again proved to be a step ahead of everyone and held a promise of last year. The company has made an effort to maintain quality of the service, and to constantly set high standards to competition with new discoveries and investments.


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