Plane from 1911 found in Antarctica


Nađen avionA team of Australian explorers discovered under ice layers on the South Pole pieces of a 1911 plane established to be one of the first aircrafts in the world. The monoplane was the first model ever produced in the British company Vickers eight years after the Wright brothers had taken their first flight. Noteworthy, since it was impossible for the explorer Douglas Mawson to fly to Antarctica by the plane, he transported it to the South Pole to use it as a tractor for sledge drive. In 1939, he left the aircraft at the expedition base at Cape Denison and then the body of the plane got captured in the ice. Due to the recent rapid ice melting as the result of climate changes, Australian explorers spotted the body of the plane on the first day of New Year, and it would be transported to Australia until the end of the month.

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