New education formats and topics at IMEX 2013


Association Day 2012Based on current hot topics, some of the most popular sessions are set to include: “How to keep the lawyers out – Contract Management” by IAPCO and PCMA; a Strategic Meetings Management co-creation workshop led by Peggy Hemphill of Your Corporate Source and Betsy Bondurant of Bondurant Consulting; “How Bar Camps and Hybrid Events can enrich Meetings” by Brita Moosmann of Yieldforprofit and Wolf-Thomas Karl, Partner, Karl & Karl;“How to create a social media strategy” by Christine Fuchs and Gerrit Heijkoop of Casehunters; and “You’re Hired! Powerful Interview Techniques to Get the Job” by Avinash Chandarana, Global Learning and Development Director, MCI.

Amongst the education sessions planned for the three-day show are “Evaluating Meeting Technologies” by Ken Clayton, Director of RefTech; “Events are the new rock ‘n roll – The Amazing Transformational Power of Music” by Andy Sharpe of Song Division; “25 Strategies for Leadership Success – Regardless of Sex” by Susan Sarfati, CEO, High Performance Strategies and Liz Jackson, President, Jackson Consulting Inc.

Then, there are lectures, such as “A Great Deal – Using Negotiation to get Results” by trainer, Maxine Rie; “How to market your event for maximum results” with Kerrin MacPhie, Director of Sales at ACC Liverpool and a Sustainable Events Summit case study by Charlie Banks, Business Development Manager at Positive Impact, and many more.

IMEX in Frankfurt is well-known for the scope and diversity of its education programme, which is one of three core activities that drive the show’s value every year; the other two being business AssociationDay2012appointments and networking opportunities.

All IMEX education is provided free of charge as part of the organisers’ commitment to helping the international meetings, events and incentive travel industry develop and grow. Many of the industry’s leading trade associations also use IMEX to share latest insight with their members, as well as providing informed education for all visitors.

Using the IMEX App allows visitors to save and view their personal list of events and seminars while also being able to check what’s coming up in the next hour. A ‘notes’ facility also give app users the chance to take notes during seminars and then email them back to themselves or share them with absent colleagues.

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