Mind-Reading Computer Devised


mind reading computerA computer programme capable of accessing and interpreting human thoughts has been devised in Great Britain. By the programme’s scanning the brains of volunteers the information could have been extracted about the three short films the subjects were thinking about and the scientists are convinced that this achievement is getting them one step closer to “mind reading”. The research subjects were asked to think about what they had seen, after having watched short films involving a woman doing numerous activities, such as talking on the phone and sending a letter. In 45% of cases, the computer successfully “noticed” which films the subjects thought about, according to the report in Current Biology magazine. Eleanor Maguire with the University College, London, explained that the study had focused on hippocampus, a small portion of the brain with the key role in memory recall, navigation and imaging future events. These results could be useful for arresting criminals even before they commit a crime, and they could also help explain the cases of memory loss, stroke and other conditions, according to Daily Mail.


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