Klaus Kobjoll – tourist entrepreneur and acknowledged lecturer in Zagreb!


At the beginning of April, in the Zagreb hotel ‘’Antunovic’’, in the Klaus Kobjollorganization of EURES TIM, the lecture of Klausa Kobjoll was held, the seminar “New Colours of Tourism”. Kobjoll endorsed the lecture on the subject of successful leadership with personal experience, which he, as a top hotel manager known by the innovative approach to work, does not lack. Kobjoll is the owner of the renowned Country Hotel and the creative centre Schindlerhof, and he received numerous awards and recognitions for his entrepreneurship. During the lecture in Zagreb, he dedicated his attention to the Croatian tourism and his vision of Croatia as touristic destination. A specificity of his lectures are the didactial stories from personal experience which inspire the entrepreneur spirit in the participants and help them adjust the acquired knowledge to the local offer and conditions. The lecture  “Be different or die” taught the attendants how to survive in the atmosphere of growing competition, motivated and inspired them with an innovative approach to work. Beside the director of Croatian Convention and Incentive Bureau, Nikola Racic, the representatives of the Croatian hotels, small and medium entrepreneurs, guests from the region and journalists also attended the convention. Total Quality Managment, strategic planning, annual target plan, CIP (continuous improvement process), these are only some of the practical solutions he offered to the attendants in his desire to prepare them for the brave fight for winning over of financially powerful foreign clients.

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