We sit in our offices, at meetings, in our homes, in front of the TV or computers, we sit in cars and coffee shops…
That is a lot of sitting for one day, and when summed up, a lot of inactivity in a lifetime.
Most people are physically inactive and spend their days in a variety of the pattern described above.
What does your day look like?
It would be nice if you are the exception. We all know how much being active affects our physical and mental health, but our lack of time serves as an excuse to often do nothing and not even try to do something about it.
The issue and importance of health are becoming an increasingly present topic, as well as are well-being and mental and spiritual harmony of business people. We can’t have success in business and personal relationships if we don’t take care of our own health and needs. We keep forgetting this.
For decades, health has been used as collateral for professional success. Discarded as an old childhood toy in the attic, having more importance to us than we are aware.
We hastily make the decision to deal with our own health at some later point. As soon as we finish an urgent project. As soon as we sign a contract. As soon as we find some time. We fail to realise that health is a precondition for professional success. Or even that professional success is worthless without it.
The time we should start moving is not Monday, but RIGHT NOW.
Get up from your chair immediately and walk at least to the window to breathe some air and see how magnolias have bloomed across the street. Get back with an open mind for ideas about being active, healthy, and happy with your work. ALL of us can do it, and all of us have difficulties STARTING.
But the results are indispensable.
In this issue of SEEbtm, we’ll give you concrete suggestions about how you can affect your health, the health of your employees, of participants at different events, small changes to the usual routine, and activities anyone can do, and by promoting and encouraging thinking about this issue.
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”
Jim Rohn
Miona Milic,