International Conference: Role of research in sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas


International Conference: Role of research in sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas

Date: May 23 – 25, 2012

Venue: Univesity of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro


Brief description:

In order to fulfill mission in a best possible way, Biotechnical faculty (University of Montenegro) has been successfully implementing FP7 REGPOT 2010-5 Project: “Fostering a Science-based Development of a sustainable Montenegrin Agriculture – AgriSciMont”, since June 2010. The important part of the Project is the International Conference: Role of research in sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas’’, which will be held from 23rd to 25th May 2012, at University of Montenegro in Podgorica.

The overall objective of the Conference is to discuss relevant research topics in order to provide a broad vision on how technological transfer and innovation can be a base for faster sustainable development of agricultural sector as a vital part of the rural economy.


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