How Shall Small Enterprises Develop and Market Their Own Food Products?


Desing Taste Center was founded in 2016 by Desing Company, one of the leaders both in the domestic market and in the region in the production of preparations for the food industry.

As part of the Premium Food Design Hub activities, Desing is one of the four selected hubs to provide technical and mentoring support to small and medium-sized enterprises in the food industry in order to improve the quality and design of their products and to prepare them for the shelves of some of the retail chains in Serbia, as well as in the HoReCa sector. The activity is supported by the USAID Competitive Economy Project.

Desing Taste Center has selected the following enterprises to enter the Premium Food Design Hub:

  1. DENSANA doo Belgrade –Popping boba beverage (Assistance required with packaging design and branding, access to local and international markets)
  2. iPlum distillery doo –Apple juice with 100% fruit content (Assistance required with developing recipes, designs and tips for appearance on the market for fruit juice with 100% fruit content)
  3. Agricultural farm Dolovac –Organic dried fruit rolls (Recipe optimization work required, label and packaging design.)
  4. Bio Litus doo Mosorin –High-protein spelt and raspberry porridge (Assistance required with design and market positioning)
  5. FRUIT FUSION Belgrade –NatBar energy bar (Assistance required with improving the production process in order to increase the production capacity and expand the market).
  6. Real Red Raspberry – Superb raspberry jam (50% fruit content) (Assistance required with the recipe and packaging optimization.)


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