Pure hedonism is the moment when all your senses are relaxed and hundred percent directed towards the pleasure which you feel. It usually does not last very long, but it stays in us for longer time, filling us with the energy and the vivacity.

At the end of the day, a bottle of wine and the starry sky can always be afforded. Our friends will not charge us for a laugh they give us during the coffee after work.

Hedonism is mainly seen as the privilege of the rich. Through the global media, which very much influences the style of living people aspire to, we became overburdened with some status symbols. Often, wrongfully, the possession of such status symbols is associated with the hedonism. It is true that the majority of people with better material status can afford themselves more opportunities to enjoy. But also, another truth is that there are rich people who simply cannot truly enjoy all that they can afford, whereas, on the other hand, there are people whose pockets are not that deep, and who, on the contrary, know exactly what fulfils them and manage to enjoy it accordingly.

Hedonism is defined as the aspiration towards the pleasure which is the purpose itself. One can say that the purpose of life is actually reaching for the pleasure. At first, it sounds superficial. However, if we think a bit, we can conclude that everything that we do can be brought down to satisfying of our own egos and senses.

Sometimes praise from the chief or a colleague is a satisfaction better than any other.

Talking about the pleasure, what everyone first has on their mind is a physical pleasure and relaxation, where we inevitably fancy wellness and spa moments, or the pleasure of enjoying some vintage wine with a beloved person, by the fireplace or under the starry sky. Music, dance and physical activity can provide many of us with a feeling of content. Or perhaps a good film in the atmosphere of a warm home, people we love and popcorns. Relaxing coffee with our friends or a shopping can be put under the category of activities with healing effects.

Those companies that take care of their employees often grant them with the vouchers for spa treatments, fitness clubs or dinners in restaurants.

On the other hand, the idea that it was our work that contributed to the success and that we were successful in doing something, whether that was establishment of a good contact, realization of the project or a scientific discovery that will significantly contribute to the mankind, gives an immeasurable feeling of pleasure, pride and appropriateness. Even if we were not aware of that earlier, at that particular moment we realize that the self-sacrifice, effort and work, that we gave, paid out through the precious feeling that we have. At the end, we all love the success in any aspect of our lives, because of the pleasure it fills us with.

Those companies that take care of their employees often grant them with the vouchers for spa treatments, fitness clubs or dinners in restaurants.

Sometimes praise from the chief or a colleague is a satisfaction better than any other. Our colleagues will appreciate if we jump into the action instead of them, if needed, our chief will be cooperative if they see our enterprising spirit and the loyalty.

We can set a goal for ourselves, for example to treat ourselves with something that we desire, on accomplishment of some demanding project. At the end of the day, a bottle of wine and the starry sky can always be afforded. Our friends will not charge us for a laugh they give us during the coffee after work.

Some people consider hedonism the privilege of the rich. Rich in spirit, I would say.



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