Extreme Day 2011 – IT as an engine of business development


Extreme Day 2011 – IT as an engine of business development

Date: December 16, 2011

Venue: Holiday Inn, Belgrade, Serbia

Web: www.extreme.rs

Brief description:

IT-I task is to help: to improve and simplify the processes (marketing, sales, document management, etc..), to facilitate collaboration among employees, to automate routine tasks, in a word-to improve the performance of existing systems in which it is used.

At Extreme Day 2011 will talk about how specific software solutions to choose from, how and when to implement them and, most importantly, how they should be used to meet your goal.

The aim of the conference is to provide answers to some of the most common concerns of directors and business owners, executives, directors of marketing, sales, IT and Quality Division.

Some of the topics will be: Microsoft’s new business, Extreme Client, Business without territorial limitation, the CRM-Answers to the question “Do you have a calculation?” and others.


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