7th Croatian Congress of Psychopharmacotherapy

Datum - 23/09/2015 - 26/09/2015
All Day

Web: www.penta-pco.com

Brief description:

7th Croatian Congress of Psychopharmacotherapy will be held in Hotel Valamar Lacroma in Dubrovnik, from 23rd to 26th September 2015.

Congress is organized by the Croatian Society for Psychopharmacotherapy and Biological Psychiatry of the Croatian Medical Association and Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences.

The aim of the Congress is to promote transdisciplinary, holistic, complementary and integrative approach to understanding and treatment of mental disorders.

Together with the 7th Croatian Congress of Psychopharmacotherapy will be held and 2nd International conference on creative psychopharmacotherapy at which eminent experts from the country and the world will participate.