Datum - 04/06/2015 - 05/06/2015
09:00 - 18:00
Web: www.zrs.upr.si
Brief description:
1st Sport Tourism Conference will be held from 4th to 5th June 2015 at Grand Hotel
Bernardin in Portoroz, Slovenia.
Conference will bring together researchers, professors, students, experts and professionals
who are interested and involved in sport tourism. Conference aims to motivate
research and dissemination of good practice supported by scientific knowledge and,
to provide a platform for increased multi-disciplinary discussions and comparative
approaches, enhancing knowledge and experience, to stimulate cooperation and collaborative
work among researchers and experts from all over the world. The goal of the conference is to combine scientific findings and
best practice cases in sport tourism. At the conference there will be lecturers from Switzerland, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Slovenia.