Embellishing of Macedonian capital


The execution of the plan for construction and restoration of almost 30 Skopjebuildings in Skopje initiated during March 2010. The great renovation of the Macedonian capital is going as planned, after the Government held the video-presentation with details of modifications. The goal is to improve attractiveness and administrative functionality of Skopje. Numerous monuments are also planned within the project – including the statue of Alexander the Great which will be placed on top of the new fountain at the central Macedonian Square – by the end of this year. The construction of two new pedestrian bridges across the river Vardar – the Eye bridge, named after its characteristic circle in the middle, and the specifically shaped Bridge of Art – has already begun. The works on new facades and buildings along the river Vardar – Constitutional Tribunal, Archeological Museum and the seat of financial police – are also approaching the end. The new buildings of the Ministry of External Affairs and State Archives, beside the other governmental agencies, are in their initial construction stages.


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