EHI 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


 Date: 9th – 11th October 2014

Venue: Cluj-Napoca, Romania



Brief description:

3rd International Conference Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality Industry – EHI on trends in hospitality will be held in period from 9th to 11th October 2014, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

The themes of the congress will cover topics on macro and micro level, and tourism types.

Global crisis’ impact upon the hospitality industry, EU and tourism: programs, projects, funding opportunities; Education and training in tourism and hospitality, Hospitality marketing and branding strategies, Marketing research and hospitality, Hotel industry development and management, Green hospitality, Events management and planning, Rural tourism, Tourism online, etc. are just some of the topics from this areas that will be discussed at this year conference.



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