At the beginning of each year, all eyes were focused on Davos, a charming town located high in the Swiss Alps.
And not because of the skiing, since it is a popular ski resort, the largest one in Switzerland, but due to the fact that it gathered world top leaders and the most influential persons from all areas that have a global impact on world politics and economy. The word is that strategic plans for the future are being forged here – plans that have an impact on the entire world – but we’ll focus on how this small town organizes one of the most important global events.
The answer to the above question lies in the most important features, such as infrastructure and a tradition of good practice. Surely, lobbying and the appropriate geo-political position go without saying, together with the fact that WEF as a not-for-profit foundation is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
Also, it is interesting to mention that the British royal family has been spending their winter holidays in Klosters, a ski resort not far from Davos, for decades.
The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting for over four decades remains the foremost creative force for engaging the world’s top leaders in collaborative activities to shape the global, regional and industry agendas at the beginning of each year. This years’ meeting was held from 17th to 20th January, in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland.
Davos population number is around 11,000 people, but at the time of WEF this village host around 30,000 people.Meeting venue for the WEF since the first one held in 1971, Davos Congress Centre, is one of the most modern congress centers in the Alps. It covers 12,000 m², features three independent meeting areas, a plenary hall for 1,800 delegates and a further 34 meeting rooms. Up to 7,000 delegates can meet there and take advantage of a perfect infrastructure.
In combination with large congress capacities, it is necessary to have enough accommodation unites. Davos Klosters offers more than 90 hotels, as well as holiday apartments, private rooms and even farm houses. Here we can see how important is the cooperation of all suppliers in the meeting industry.

In addition to the modern congress center with a unified offers of accommodation, Davos is easily accessible by road or rail, its’ around two hours away from Zurich international airport, the nearest main international airport. Of course, there is the possibility to land by helicopter directly to Davos, which generally is the practice during the World Economic Forum.
As far as safety is concerned, Switzerland is engaged 4,500 soldiers and police for WEF. Security includes two surface-to-air missile systems. Also, around 100 participants got special security coverage and attendees will be hemmed in by 46km of fences, 10% more than at the last Forum.
It is interesting that Monstein Brewery is located in Davos. It’s one of the highest breweries in the world in terms as being established on a high altitude. The brewery is open to the public, so one can learn all about production of the beer and the necessary ingredients, and to try the Monstein beers and other specialties.
Davos 2017 in numbers
- 3,000 participants
- 1,200 chief executives or company chairs
- 50 world leaders