Croatia among Countries, Belgrade among the Cities are the First in the Region

ICCA Statistics 2015


According to ICCA Statistic Report for 2015, which is used for ranking countries and cities in meeting industry, on worldwide level, Croatia, was ranked as 41st with 96 internati­onal congresses held.

Last year was in the position above, but with a smaller number of held events (81), suggesting that this year was the in­creased competition as regards held events, which is one of the criteria  for ranking. Other criteria for ran­king in the ICCA list is the number of participants in these events.

As for  the number of congresses held in Croatian cities, 41 international con­gresses were held in Zagreb (64th on the list), Dubrovnik was the place of 25 congresses held (109th position).
Split and Opatija were the cities of significantly less number of meetin­gs, and thus those cities took 230th and 301st position, respectively.

Unlike last year when it took 45th place with 68 congresses held, this year Romania took 44th place (77 held congresses), while Bucharest was ranked on 55th place with 47 held congresses.

Slovenia is a country in which a total  number of 65 international con­gresses were held, and thus it was ranked as 46thon the list. Last year Slovenia was ranked at 49th position
with 47 held congresses, which is a notable shift when we talk about held congresses. Ljubljana welco­med 41 international congresses, and, therefore, it took 64th position, while Bled and Portoroz found themselves on 222nd and 373rd posi­tion, respectively.

When we talk about Serbia, it took 47th position with 64 international congresses held, while Belgrade was on 52nd place with 52 international congresses held, which is a slight difference compared to last year when Serbia was on 46th place, and Belgra­de on 50th. In addition to Belgrade, Novi Sad is also included in the list on 301stplace with 7 congresses held.

12 international congresses were held in BiH, which gave it the 82nd position, while Sarajevo took 276th position with 8 meetings.

On ICCA Statistics List Bulgaria took the 61st place with 32 held congresses, while Sofia took 132nd place with 19 held congresses. Macedonia took 91st place on the list, while Skopje was the place whe­re were held 5 congresses and it took 373rd place.

Montenegro was on the 98th position according to the number of congresses held (6), while Budva occupied 373rd position.

ICCA 2015 Rankings
ICCA 2015 Rankings


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