HemofarmLogica: Healthy Logic of Knowledge and Ability Synergy


Hemofarm, pharmaceutical company from Vršac, is a local and international manufacturer of generic drugs.

We have been performing business operations in more than 30 markets. We are the world largest individual member of the generic company STADA Group. Nowadays, generics manufacture also implies responsible business operation because the product pharmacoeconomics represents a precondition to talk about health as a right rather than as a privilege.

Recognizing its role in the context which is broader than its core business, which is pharmaceutical production, Hemofarm intends to develop awareness about the fact that health is the result of joint, partnership work of all parties: pharmaceutical industry, physicians, pharmacists and general population. That relationship must imply confidence based on reliability in quality of the drug, therapy and each timely information. We have deserved confidence in view of the drug efficacy as a precondition for the partnership relation with the physician by continuous work on improvement of our knowledge in recognizing the needs of the contemporary medicine, by the confirmed quality of our manufacturing plants, now already certified by all world standards, including even by the certificate of the American Food and Drug Administration.

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Large international congresses held in Vršac and in the Republic of Srpska over the last three years,  which gathered several hundreds of physicians and pharmacists from all over the world, resulted from the synergy of knowledge and ability of profession and practice. Being an organizer and host of such professional gatherings has been great honour for Hemofarm as well as an obligation to prove in the future that we are ready to follow the trends of contemporary medicine, equally aware of our most important role which is timely information for both physician and patient, efficient and cost-effective medicinal agents and tools with which all of us together can do more for life.

Healthy Venue – Event Organizational Skills

HemofarmcardioLogica and HemofarmgastroLogica 2008/09, Vršac and Banja Luka: Cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, leading problems of the global population, are in the focus. Education of the population and continuous professional improvement are necessary so that the number of affected by these diseases would be reduced. HemofarmLogica is a concept which encircles all our so called RX products, prescription medicines.

brendiranje scenografijeIn addition to medicinal agents, the mere concept Hemofarmlogica also implies a number of tools which should develop the doctor’s skill in solving a health problem, and to expand patient’s knowledge on all means available for prevention of these diseases. Led by such an idea,Marketing Teams of the company Hemofarm gladly accept the organization of congresses, which represents a challenge for them. Thus three congresses were organized in the Millennium Centre in Vršac and two in Banja Luka during 2008 and 2009, as well as numerous symposia, seminars, promotions, celebrations,etc.

Regardless of what type of event is in question, implementation and management of the event imply overall event designing, realization and communication. Starting from the formulation of the conceptual design to its application in all segments: creation of a name and logo, application in all accompanying materials relating to the event, organization planning and assigning the jobs to teams and other services (insourcing and outsourcing), set, production of the accompanying and print  material (invitations, program, ID cards, materials, press kit, etc.). Branding the entire event, providing technical conditions (video beam, microphones, led screens, sound system, etc.), organization of press conference and materials (prepromotional and promotional activities) are necessary, as well as the overall logistics (accommodation and transportation, hostesses, auxiliary personnel, etc.) including catering and accompanying activities during and after congress activities. Overall activities are monitored through the set schedule which is regularly updated.

Healthy Team – Team Building

team buildingThe most valuable resource of a company is its staff, its energy and the skills they possess, while business success depends on their professionalism, practical training and efficiency in performing the planned activities. However, it is not always sufficient. The enthusiasm and positive attitude of an individual, which are transferred through the net of interpersonal relations to the entire group, are increased through synergy and create successful Healthy Team (ZdravTim).

Notwithstanding the fact how stimulating and well organized the business environment is, it contributes in time to the development of established patters of behaviour which should be stirred. A good way to do that is relocation to new natural environment in which a rare chance is given for each individual to communicate with his/her colleagues as other individuals and where business roles and functions are shifted to a second plan. Precisely for that reason, Hemofarm’s Marketing has introduced a healthy practice of periodical dislocation of the usual working place by organizing team building.

The new Healthy Venue (ZdravoMesto) of our Marketing team is the ecological park near the river Karaš in the vicinity of Jasenovo in Banat.

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Miona Milic
Near 20 years in bussines and congress tourism in the SEE region. One of the founder of the first and only regional internet portal connecting buyers and suppliers of the business tourism www.kongresniturizam.com , Editor-in-Chief of SEEbtm magazine, printed for 10 years (2008-2018), creativity and content event manager for SEEbtm Party and for BS Travel & Events Agency.


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