27th EAU Annual Congress 2012


27th EAU Annual Congress 2012

Date: 24th – 28th February 2012

Venue: Paris, France

Web: www.eauparis2012.org


Brief description:

The Annual EAU Congress brings together thousands of delegates from around the world. The EAU Congress exhibition is unique in the field of urology and it attracts all major international exhibitors.

The Annual EAU Congress is a platform for the international urological community to share the latest and the most relevant knowledge with medical experts practising across the board.
Europe’s largest, this urology event annually gathers thousands of delegates and exhibitors from over 100 countries. More than 14,000 visitors are expected to attend the 27th Annual EAU Congress in Paris on 24-28 February 2012.

The scientific programme of the EAU Congress offers a comprehensive coverage of urology and all its subspecialities, providing the delegates with infinite opportunities for professional development. The world’s leading experts will present their findings and insights during state-of-the art lectures, debates, presentations and courses.

For more information about this and other meetings, please contact the agency Bon Voyage – www.bonvoyage.co.rs


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