51st International Theater Festival – MESS 2011


51st International Theater Festival MESS 2011

Date: 1 – 10 October 2011

Venue: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Web: www.mess.ba

Brief description:

The MESS International Theatre Festival in Sarajevo celebrates a tradition of diversity and unconventionality in the spirited world of theatre.

This year, in the 51st International Theatre Festival, to Sarajevo audience will be shown the theatre performance, and a special focus will be put on workshops and master class for theatre professionals and students.

The goal of workshops is to connect guests who for years successfully and in an interesting way of dealing with major aspects of theater arts, from production, through acting and directing to writing and drama criticism, and experienced professionals across Europe who want to expand their knowledge of theatre.

In addition to these workshops, Future MESS 2011 will host master class Fernando de Itae, one of the leading theater critics in Latin America.


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