ICCA statistic for 2015 revealed

International Congress Conventions Association
International Congress Conventions Association

Based on the ICCA statistics report for 2015, published on 17th May this year, the novelty is that the city of Berlin broke out on the top spot by number of held international events, moving city of Paris on second place.

In the first 5 cities remain, beside Paris, cities which are in the top 5 for years – Vienna, Madrid, Barcelona, London.
Lisbon and Copenhagen this year entered the top 10 cities, moving up three places on the list.
There aren’t some major changes in the top 10 cities, unless it can be noted that Paris, Madrid and Vienna have even 28, 29 and 24 respectively, events less than in 2014 year. The city of Berlin almost had no declines in number of held events and that’s had brought the city on first place this year.
The official detailed report will be released to the media and the public on 20 June this year, when we will have access to ICCA statistics for our region.


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