Datum - 01/06/2015 - 05/06/2015
All Day
Web: www.sciencebg.net
Brief description:
3rd International Conference Agriculture and Food will be held in Elenite Holiday Village, in Burgas, Bulgaria from 1st to 5th June 2015.
Some of the main topics from the area of agriculture will be organic agriculture, greenhouses and horticulture, agricultural buildings, etc. Regarding the topics from food some of the main topics will be technology and raw materials for food production, nanotechnologies in food and agriculture, green technologies in food production, food preparation, food packaging, food safety and food security.
This international conference is organized by Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Science and Education Foundation, Bulgaria, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia, Research Tomsk Agricultural Institute, Russia and Kazakh National Agrarian University, Kazakhstan.