Seminar “Successful management of products and brands”, Belgrade, Serbia


Date: 14th November 2014

Venue: Hotel Zlatnik, Belgrade, Serbia



Brief description:

Seminar “Successful management of products and brands” will be held on 14th November 2014 at Hotel Zlatnik, in Belgrade, Serbia.

Management of products and brands has a clear process that has to be faster and more accurate processing. On this is the focus of this seminar, how to successfully manage the marketing process and strengthen its market position. The main advantages of this seminar are clear examples and how to manage products and brands.

By the end of seminar, participants will be:

– enable for the efficient management of products and brands,

– able to independently manage the marketing process with a view to managing products and brands,

– able to implement and control the process of product management and marketing and see the clear benefits of such approach to business.

The seminar is intended for employees in the marketing department that through this seminar will improve their knowledge of management marketing process and make it more efficient.


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