5-star Hotel Yacht in Gibraltar


Gibraltar is one of the favourite destinations of wealthy tourists, just like Monaco or Singapore, but with the lack of accommodation capacities, which represented an unsolvable problem, all until now.

According to the Executive Director of the company Sunborn Gibraltar”, Brian Stivendale, that is building this luxurious yacht hotel, Gibraltar has always had a shortage of hotels, and the solution for this problem has been worked on for quite some time. Also, he said that “as different from the traditional fashion of building – which includes trucks, cranes and many obstructions and delays, we have already made a product which will be easily delivered to all exotic destinations.”
The hotel yacht is 142 meters long, and offers 189 rooms, the spa and gym, cocktail lounge, conference rooms, and even a dancing room. It will have 7 floors, and to rent a room, one will have to set aside from 300 to even 3,000 dollars a day/night.

The ship was constructed in Malaysia, and it will be based at the dock in the Ocean Village” marina, by six super-strong hydraulic hands. Besides, the guests will board the ship over the glass bridge.


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