4th Congress of Nephrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation will be held from 22nd to 25th April 2015, in Sarajevo.
This year’s program will include plenary sessions, main Symposia, oral and poster presentation at which 70 renowned invited national and international scientists will present and discuss about main topics regarding this area.
Some of the main topics which will be discussed are uraemia, renal anemia, MBD-CKD, acute kidney injury, chronic kidney failure, diabetes, etc.
With the 4th Congress of Nephrology will be held also the 5th South-eastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group – SEPNWG, organized by the Pediatric Nephrology Working Group of the Bosnia and Herzegovina, European Society for Pediatric Nephrology (ESPN) and the International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA).

The last day of the Congress, 25th of April will be dedicated to CME session, organized by Bosnian Society of Nephrology. CME session will be endorsed by ERA-EDTA (European Renal Association and European Dialysis and Transplant Association) and from International Society of Nephrology.
Technical organizer of the 4th Congress of Nephrology is Promo Tours agency with the office in Sarajevo. Promo Tours agency is a leading Professional Congress Organizer in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with large experience gained and proven during last 15 years.
For the employees of the agency, there are no same events and every event require foremost careful listening client needs, followed with detailed planning of all details and implementation which imply closely regard to every delegate, speaker, participant, sponsor and exhibitor. Beside organizing congresses and seminars, Promo Tours agency deal with organization of incentive programs, team buildings, cite seeing’s, transfers and other tourist services within Bosnia and Herzegovina.