2nd SoftBiz Conference


Date: 3rd December 2013

Venue: Congress Center Master of the Novi Sad Fair, Serbia

Web: www.vojvodinaictcluster.org

Brief description:

2nd SoftBiz Conference will be held on 3rd December 2013 in Congress Center Master of the Novi Sad Fair, Serbia.

The objectives of the conference are to raise awareness of the business community about what computers can do for business, to clearly demonstrate the benefits of the IT solutions, to introduce incentives to provide IT solutions and services, etc. During the conference, participants will be able to ask questions to lecturers and representatives of companies from the information technology sector, and that on the site remove all doubts on this topic.

More information at: softbiz@vojvodinaICTcluster.org or on telephone number +381 21 21 00 306


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