Organized by the Serbian Association of Ultrasound in Gynaecology & Obstetrics and the Perinatal Medicine Section with the Serbian Medical Society, in Belgrade’s Sava Centre, from 11-13th March, 2010 Perinatal Medicine Congress and Belgrade Days of Reproduction took place. The Congress Management Coordinator was ARIA Conference & Events Agency from Belgrade. The event gathered a wide population of physicians in various expertises dealing with ultrasound, gynaecology, and perinatal and reproductive medicine. Therefore, we are honoured to talk to Prof. Dr Aleksandar Ljubić, the Chair of the Serbian Association of Ultrasound in Gynaecology & Obstetrics and Director of Institute of Gynaecology and Obstetrics with the Serbian Clinical Centre.

1.   In March 2010, the First Perinatal Medicine Congress and Belgrade Days of Reproduction were held. What are the impressions within the Association, are you happy with the organization and results achieved?

· This year’s Congress for the first time represents the integration of all areas in reproduction and perinatal medicine here. This has resulted in higher possibilities for selecting strategically important topics in the international professional practice, high-quality lectures and other presentations and the major interest of the professionals with the participation of over 400 local and international specialists. In organizing the event we used an active communication approach to all potentially interested colleagues within at least six months before the event was supposed to take place aimed at a better way to plan their time. Our cooperation with ARIA Conference & Events has been going on for many years now, at the satisfaction of all, the organizers (i.e. ourselves) and the participants at our events.

2.   One of the aims of the Congress addressed the connection with other SEE countries. Can you tell us more about it?

· This activity is a necessary model of exchanging expertise and experience as well as standardizing perinatal doctrine and practice and this Congress has made the first steps in that direction. We should bear in mind that this is a long-term process where we should take into account the similarities and differences in the organization and type of funding in the regional countries. In that respect, the Association is going to cooperate with its peer associations in taking further steps as necessary.

3. The modern forms of presentation and communication are, among other, social networks, video conferences, and telemedicine. Prof Dr Kypros Nicolaides held a course presentation via telemedicine equipment from London. What is your opinion on that and as to what kind of effect such means of communication will have on the future professional medical education?

· All mentioned models are without any doubt the future processes of professional medical education, and to have an even better utilization of their possibilities they need to be put in place for regular use in the local professional practice of training between university institutions one the one hand, and primary or secondary institutions on the other.

4.  Plans for the next Congress?

· Preparations for the 4th International School of Medical Ultrasound – IAN Donald are underway, followed by 26th Symposium of the Perinatal Medicine Section with the SMA and the Belgrade Days of Reproduction with international participation to be held in Belgrade, 3-4 December 2010 at Hotel Continental in Belgrade. Our plan for the next year is 2nd Perinatal Medicine Congress.


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