25. Međunarodni kongres maksilofacijalnih hirurga; 13. Kongres Srpskog udruženja maksilofacijalnih hirurga; 2. Kongres maksilofacijalnih hirurga Balkana


27-30 Oktobar, Sava Centar, Beograd

Official Language of the Congress is English. No simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

Badges will be distributed at the registration desks. Participants without badges will not be admitted to the Congress activities. Scientific Program includes plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations.

Oral presenters
Allocated time for oral presentations is 7 minutes. The halls are equipped with technical conditions for computer presentations. Computer presentations should be prepared in MS Power Point and delivered to the technician on a CD, USB flash memory stick, or on a personal notebook computer.

Please use standard fonts in your presentation. Presenters should submit their presentations on CD or USB flash memory to the technician at least 15 minutes before the session. Also, the presentations can be checked at the Registration desk. You may supply your own laptop computer as a back-up.

Please note that the congress computer in the session hall is supplied with Windows XP and Office 2003 (at least).

Poster presenters
The posters should be placed on October 27th from 16:00. The poster stands are marked with numbers. The authors should adhere to the numeration listed in the Program. The posters should be removed after the end of the Congress. Any poster not removed by this time will be discarded.

Poster Sessions times:
Saturday, October 30th: 10:50 – 13:15 and from 14:15 – 15:15

Chairpersons are asked to be present in the Congress hall 15 minutes prior to their session and to ensure that presenters keep to the allocated time of 7 minutes so that there are no delays in the program.

CME Accreditation:

Oral presentation – 18 CME points;

Poster presentation –15 CME points;

Passive participation – 9 CME points
Commercial Exhibition of technical equipment, instruments and pharmaceutical products will take place and will be open throughout the
whole course of the Congress. Personal Accident and Insurance Liability The Organizer and Secretariat will not accept responsibility for any loss, accident etc incurred during the Congress. Participants are responsible for ensuring that they have adequate cover while attending this Congress.


Miona Milic
Near 10 years in events industry, as a project manager, content developer, offline and internet marketing campaigns, event manager for SEEbtm party, Editor-in-Chief of SEEbtm magazine… Professionalism, constant learning and personal, such as business upgrading, finds essential for success. Creativity in all fields is very important to her. Love to be physically active, travel, meet people and have a good time. But, beside everything, the greatest accomplishment and most important thing for her is being a MOM.